Saturday, 16 November 2013

Welcome Post...

Okay, so I've been thinking about setting up a YouTube and Blog for a while now but have always been too scared. I thought rather than jumping in at the deep end with YouTube I would start with a Blog! I thought I would start it off with 15 facts about myself as I enjoy reading posts like this, as well as reviews and other things. I hope you enjoy!

1. My birthday is 25th October- I was born in 1995 so that makes me 18 (finally!)

2. I live with my Mum, Dad, little sister & my two dogs Dexter & Daisy

3. I am currently in Sixth Form (college) studying for my A-levels in English Lit, Sociology & Business- I find it hard at times but I know it will be worth it :)

4. I am OBSESSED with YouTube, Nail varnish, Eyelashes and Jeffrey Campbell's- Top 5 favourite YouTuber's are: Grav3yardgirl, Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Sophie Jenner and UglyFaceOfBeauty

5. I like being neat; lists are my favourite type of organisation

6. I have 2 tattoos and about 10 piercings (5 on each ear; 3 earlobes but hardly wear the 3rd, tragus, conch, rook and scaffolding/industrial) I plan on more tattoos, not sure about piercings

7. My favourite drinks are Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max

8. Me and my bestfriend used to HATE each other- we have now been bestfriends for 6 years

9. Fake eyelashes are the best, though I'm trying to let my real ones grow for a bit!

10. I live in South East London, but I get asked if I'm from Essex, maybe its the eyelashes...

11. I want to go to Uni and study Criminology and Psychology (Forensic)

12. I hate Jelly Babies! Yuck!

13. As well as going to Uni I have aspirations to be a mermaid... Legit

14. I'm probably not using punctuation correctly

15.  I have only dyed my hair once (dip dye) and the ends are blue because I like that colour... No its because I want to be a mermaid *tries not to make eye contact*

Me and my bestfriend (Katie); as you can see we do not take flattering pictures!
My blue hair and Katie's purple hair; quite a pair huh?
Sorry, last picture, this is quite cute and you will probably be seeing a lot of her on here!
The facts and pictures are done and I'm very sorry if I bored you to death!
Sophiey Louise xoxo

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